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Learning about the hookah




Hookah, also known as shisha, is very popular in a wide variety of cultures. In Middle Eastern culture, it is very common to smoke shisha frequently. It is speculated that the shisha originated in the northwestern provinces of India, along the border of Pakistan in Rajasthan and Gujarat. The hookah is said to have developed there about a millennium ago. Later, the hookah is said to have made its way through the Persian Empire where it ended up in countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Middle East and Arab parts of North Africa. Back then, hookahs were very simple, primitive and crude in design. The old shisha was often made from a natural material such as coconut shell, and the pipe was made of bamboo or wood. 

Who is still using hookahs?

Water pipe smoking used to be a true tradition. When people smoked shisha from coconut shells in India, it was still a noble tradition. Today, things are very different and one no longer needs to be of noble birth to smoke shisha. Today, anyone (over 18) can and may smoke hookah. It is a way to bring friends together, and no two shisha sessions are the same. Moreover, everyone prepares their hookah in a different way, and there are many different traditions of preparing the shisha. Also, everyone maintains their hookah differently, which can greatly affect the quality of the session. For many people, shisha smoking is still a tradition and is part of a festive setting. What’s better than sharing a hookah with friends and family? If you are looking for a nice, luxurious hookah, check out AmyDeluxe’s range of luxury hookahs.

What about the harmfulness of smoking hookah?

In the past, shisha was always smoked with tobacco. Nowadays, there are more suitable options to make smoking hookahs less unhealthy, by replacing the tobacco with steam stones or a paste. Using fast-burning coals is also unhealthier than regular coals, because they contain strong chemicals that make the coals burn faster. By replacing the tobacco with steam stones, it makes smoking with a hookah slightly less harmful. Still, be sure to be careful and responsible when using a hookah.


Why Using a Water Bottle Bong is Safer Than Smoking Joints




water bottle bong is Safer Than Smoking Joints

There comes a time in every cannabis enthusiast’s life when they need to smoke but don’t have the right smoking equipment. This is where a water bottle bong comes in handy.

The water in a bong forces the smoke into tiny bubbles, making it more relaxed. The water also filters out many of the harmful chemicals and particles that come with burning marijuana.

Smoke is Cooler

Even though smoking is a bad habit, there’s something about the smell of smoke that makes one feel good. For many, it’s a rite of passage, a sign of social acceptance, and an excuse to relax. Smoking is even a way to connect with friends and family. But if you think about it, the benefits of smoking may be more than just a social activity; they could also benefit your health. This is because smoke can be made safer by using the latest technology. Unlike the nicotine-laden cigarettes of the past, modern-day marijuana smoke-free options have been proven to be healthier for you and your loved ones. So, it’s time to give it a try!

Less Harmful To Your Lungs

Whether you’re traveling and don’t have your usual smoking accessories, or if you run out of nugs before you can use your bong at home, a water bottle bong is a handy alternative for smoking your favorite herbs.

Unlike smoke from joints or dry herb pipes, which can introduce harmful contaminants into the inhaled smoke, smoke from a water bottle bong is filtered through the water to remove some of the tar and toxins in dry smoking. This helps to maintain a cleaner, smoother high.

Less Harmful To Your Mouth

Whether you are on the go or don’t have a bong, we often need to be creative to smoke our herb. If you are in this situation, a water bottle bong is a great option.

In addition to being a more convenient way to consume your herbs, a water bottle bong is also safer than smoking joints. The water filtering and cooling the smoke can help to prevent your lungs from being exposed to harmful substances, like tar or carbon monoxide.

Less Harmful To Your Eyes

Bongs are often considered safer than smoking joints because water filters harmful particles from the smoke. However, bongs also release various chemicals, including BPA and phthalates.

As a result, it’s not advisable to use them repeatedly.

If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have a regular bong or one-hitter but need to smoke weed, a water bottle bong might be the answer. They’re easy to make and work as a one-time-use solution.

Less Harmful To Your Hair

When you’re traveling, running out of supplies, or are in a situation where you can’t find smoking accessories, using a water bottle bong can be a great way to smoke weed. But it’s important to note that homemade water bottle bongs can pose some health risks if used repeatedly.

While water filters a significant amount of the harmful particles released during combustion, it doesn’t remove all of them. If you plan on smoking this impromptu bong for long-term use, invest in a dependable glass bong instead.

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The Benefits of Using a Dab Rig




Benefits of Using a Dab Rig

There are several benefits to using a dab rig. They help to improve the flavor of your smoke, reduce the amount of time it takes to get a good hit, and also make it easier to clean up your glassware. Whether you are looking for a cheap dab rig, a high-end dab rig, or a hybrid, these tips will give you a solid idea of what you should be looking for.

Electric Dab Rigs

Electric dab rigs are a great way to enjoy cannabis concentrates. They are easy to use and offer precise temperature control.

The first thing you should know about electric dab rigs is that they come in various styles and sizes. You can choose from small, discreet dab rigs to larger desktop units. Choose a style that suits your preferences and your home.

An excellent electric dab rig can last a long time, but you will still want to check the battery. It should have at least 150 hours of power. If the battery dies, you won’t be able to use it.

Electric dab rigs come with various settings, which allow you to vaporize your concentrates the way you like. Whether you want a high-temperature or a low-temperature dab, you can find one that meets your requirements.

Another essential factor to consider when you buy the best dab rigs is the heating it uses. You will want to pick a device that uses a non-toxic material to vaporize your oil.

You can also look for a model that comes with an all-glass bubbler. This will prevent your vapor from contaminating the rest of the device.

Other factors to consider when buying an electric dab rig are its design and the materials it is made of. Some models are made with ceramic nails, while others are made with quartz. Quartz nails are more durable and responsive to an electric heating element.

Domeless Nails

Domeless nails are an essential component of a dab rig. They make dabbing fun and efficient. However, they can also present risks.

For starters, domeless nails are less durable than domed nails. This can be a problem if you drop your nail and break it. You can also run the risk of burning your fingers. Luckily, a high-quality concentrate should reduce this risk.

Another consideration is the heat-retaining qualities of the material used. Some glass nails need to keep their heat better. That can be problematic for new dabbers.

In addition to glass, you can also opt for titanium. Titanium is an excellent material to use because it retains its temperature better.

Another option is an electronic dab rig. These come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There is even a battery-powered version. Electronic devices allow you to control the temperature input easily.

When choosing a dab rig, it is best to experiment. It takes some time to find the perfect rig for you. Try out several different models and see which one is right for you.

Carb Caps

Carb caps are a must-have accessory for anyone who dab’s at low temperatures. This small but essential tool helps regulate heat, vaporize concentrates more efficiently, and preserve oils.

Carb caps are available in various shapes, sizes, and materials. These devices are easy to use and help you enjoy a smoother dab. They are also a convenient accessory for dabbing enthusiasts. The key to choosing the right one is considering your nail size and the rig you use.

When considering a carb cap, remember that it works best with an open-air rig. Choosing the right one will allow airflow and prevent you from losing your shatter.

Most of the best carb caps are made of durable materials such as ceramic and titanium. Ceramics is known for its ability to hold heat and retain flavor. However, titanium can burn too hot and leave a lingering aftertaste.

A standard carb cap has a hollow dome at the bottom. This dome traps vapor as it rises. It also acts as a handle. It would help if you cleaned your carb cap regularly to get the most out of it. It would help if you used a unique cleaning solution to remove residue.


Cleaning a dab rig is easy if you follow the proper steps. It is not only essential to keep your device clean, but it also helps prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. If you use your dab rig regularly, consider cleaning it more frequently.

Dab rigs are small water pipes that contain concentrates such as cannabis. The water is used to filter the concentrate, which in turn allows you to enjoy a more pure vapor. But clean it to avoid becoming clogged with resins. This can create a muddy taste and make it harder to inhale.

You will need to remove the glass attachment to clean your dab rig. After removing the extension, you must clean the rig’s interior. To do this, you must place each part in a Ziplock bag. You must soak the rig in hot water for at least 30 minutes.

Once the rig’s interior is cleaned, you can use a paper towel to wipe off any remaining residue. For tough build-up, you can use a cotton swab soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Alcohol will loosen any leftover grime, making it easier to eliminate.

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Reasons Why You Must Consider Consuming CBD Gummies




Consuming CBD Gummies

CBD gummies are a great way to consume CBD. They are easy to take, don’t have any side effects, and come in different flavors and doses. You can also use them at any time of the day without worrying about being intoxicated.

However, if you are buying gummies from any brand, you must ensure that you read up on the reviews of the gummies. Hop onto the best website where you can find detailed descriptions of products, such as Hometown Hero d8 review or that of other gummy brands.

Moreover, the following are some reasons why you should consider buying these gummies:

They are easy to consume

Gummies are the best choice if you are looking for an efficient way to consume CBD. They are soft and pliable, making it easy to take them with you. No matter where you go and what time of day it is, gummies can easily be tucked into your pocket or purse without causing any discomfort from their shape or size.

They are available in different flavors

You can choose from different flavors, like cherry or watermelon gummies, available in your local store. With various options available online, you can mix and match different flavors to create your unique experience!

They are not intoxicating

As you may already know, CBD oil is derived from industrial hemp plants and does not contain THC. This means it won’t get you high or cause any psychoactive effects when consumed. In fact, numerous studies are showing that CBD can help improve your mood and anxiety levels without causing any side effects at all!

They are available in different doses

If you are new to CBD gummies, there is no need to worry. You can choose from the various doses based on your needs and preferences. However, it is wise to start with a low CBD oil dose to help you feel more relaxed and calm. Then, increase the quantity slowly until you find what works for you.

If one feels tired after consuming CBD gummies or feels anxious or stressed out at work, then one should reduce the quantity of their daily intake by half (i.e., cut down from 1 gram per day).

They can be used at any time of the day

You can take them at any time of the day. You don’t have to wait until nighttime or morning to consume CBD gummies. These treats are meant for those who want to experience more benefits from their products, so they’re designed with multiple uses in mind! You can use them before bedtime if you want a relaxing night’s sleep. However, check the potency by reading the Hometown Hero d8 review or reviews of any other gummy brand to ensure you can consume it anytime.


In conclusion, CBD gummies are an excellent way to consume CBD. They come in different flavors, doses, and delivery methods. You can use them at any time of the day or night, and they will not give you any side effects because they are made from pure CBD oil extracted from hemp plants.

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